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How much is fabric (Fab) worth today?
The price of Fabric (FAB) is $0.000000832548 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $225.03. This represents a -2.27% price decline in the last 24 hours and a 8.19% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 130 Million FAB, Fabric is valued at a market cap of $112.28 . Where can you buy Fabric?What is fabric (Fab)?
Fabric (FAB) is a decentralized synthetic assets issuance protocol built on the Solana blockchain. The platform aims to offer swift architecture, low-fee trading, frictionless and accessible experience for every user, and unlimited liquidity.What is the trading volume of fabric (Fab)?
The trading volume of Fabric (FAB) is $225.11 in the last 24 hours, representing a -6.10% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. What is the all-time high for Fabric (FAB)? The highest price paid for Fabric (FAB) is $0.426348, which was recorded on Sep 10, 2021 (about 2 years).What is the market cap of fabric (Fab)?
Market capitalization of Fabric (FAB) is $112.28 and is ranked #3694 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of FAB tokens (130 Million tokens are tradable on the market today). What is the fully diluted valuation of Fabric (FAB)? The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Fabric (FAB) is $416.27.